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Total Life Blessing God's Word is the best gift you can give yourself, your family and friends, and those in your circle of influence Read the Full Story
Peace in any Circumstance 36 Personalized Scriptures to have Peace in any Circumstances. When you meditate and abide in God's Word, it will change our very thinking, what you say and the way you live your life Read the Full Story
The Power Of Prayer   God's Word has His life power in it to give you courage and strength, to build your faith, to heal your body, mind and spirit and to guide your every step Read the Full Story
God's Healing Power!   God's Word has His life power in it to give you courage and strength, to build your faith, to heal your body, mind and spirit and to guide your every step. Read the Full Story
Protection and Saftey These easy to read scripture books are small enough to carry in your purse, Daytimer, briefcase or car glove box and will bring inspiration and strength to your life. Read the Full Story
God has an answer for you! No matter what you are going through in your life today... God's Word's has the answer you need!   God's Word is the best gift you can give yourself, your family and friends, and those in your circle of influence. These easy to read scripture books are small enough to carry in your purse, daytimer, briefcase or car glove box and will bring inspiration and strength to your life. Read the Full Story

About Cathy Ford


Randy and Cathy Ford, Founders of New Heart Dimensions

For 25 years Cathy’s zeal and passion towards encouraging faith in the lives of others has been evident. Involvement in many areas of ministry has given Cathy the basis to “Get the Word out” and to help instill God’s promises in the lives of others.


Cathy and her husband Randy, of 48 years, minister together concentrating in areas of hospitality, youth, seniors and family. Their “Welcome Home” attitude prevails as they reach and teach from the young to old.



“What you concentrate and focus on will increase. Focus on God, not your problems and see what God will do,” is the advice Cathy loves to 

share with others. This was never more apparent as during the time of Randy’s unexpected heart attack. During this time of life changing events, Cathy determined to share her faith and totally focus on God’s Word and His ability to bring victory in this situation. Her prayer and encouragement cards were birthed through this experience. Thoughts, hopes and dreams founded on scripture became tools of encouragement now published. These inspirational cards, God’s Recipe for Successful Living, have proven timely, and are God-focused promises for all to follow. She continues to produce more topics in this series, each one specifically focusing on scripture and hope.


Continuing to be Market Place ministers, Cathy and Randy reach out to others in the secular world. Their ultimate goal is to work full time in Christian Ministry in building and encouraging the lives of others.


Cathy and Randy have raised their family in the Pacific Northwest. Their four children, now married with families of their own, have always been their inspiration to live life to the fullest. And now they are blessed to continue that quest with their 13 grandchildren.


How New Heart Began


How "God's Recipe for Successful Living Series" Began


In September of 1998 my husband suffered a heart attack that totally changed the course of our lives and our family's life forever. The one thing that sustained me through that difficult time was the Word of God. I began to personalize God's Word on 3X5 recipe cards and connected them together with a small ring and carried them with me all the time. I used them literally as a daily prayer for the purpose of renewing my mind and focusing on what God could do and not on the circumstances that surrounded me.


The miracles that followed have changed my life forever! God not only totally healed my husband but in the process, began renewing my mind to His thinking, changing my heart and even the words that came out of my mouth.


From that experience I have shared these cards with many others during their times of need and found how the Word became as real in their lives as it did in mine.


God's Word is the best gift you can give to yourself, your family and those in your circle of influence. The first four released in the faithbuilder scripture series "God's Recipe for Successful Living" are: Healing, Peace, Wisdom/ Direction and Total Life Blessing. These inspirational booklets are compact, so you can carry them with you wherever you go, easy to read, specific to their titles and personalized to bring the Word of God alive in your life.


From my Heart to yours, 


Cathy Ford


Words of Inspiration

No matter what you are going through in your life today, God has the answer you need. He said He would never leave us or forsake us and that is a promise from His Word 

(Heb 13:5/Josh 1:5).

  • God has given us His Holy Spirit to dwell on the inside of us with the same power that Jesus had as He walked this earth (John 14:16-20). He also left us His love letter of promises in His Word that save, heal, deliver, direct, correct, encourage, prosper, comfort and lift us.
  • God's Word will give you continual peace in the midst of any situation or circumstance.
  • God's Word has His life power in it to give you courage and strength, to build your faith, to heal your body and your mind and to guide your every step.
  • God's Word sees beyond your current problem or fear and brings you the promise of new beginnings and hope for a bright future.
  • God's Word brings truth and light and wisdom to whoever seeks after it and asks for it.
  • God's Word is alive and full of power, it can change any situation or circumstance but more importantly it can change your heart. When you meditate & abide in God's Word it will change your very thinking, what you say and the way you live your life.


Additional God's Recipe for Successful Living Scripture Books

Soon to be Released



    • More Than Enough
    • Victory
    • Boldness/Courage
    • Forgiveness
    • God's Favor
    • Love/Joy
    • Faithfulness
    • Grace/Mercy
    • Great Expectations
    • Faith Not Fear
    • Who I Am In Christ
    • Children (Serving the Lord)
    • Warfare Weapons (Offensive)
    • Righteousness/Holiness
    • Strength/Endurance

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You can reach our customer service department by telephone (253.927.8747) or email at newheartdimensions@hotmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  .


Please have your contact information and order ready and we will be happy to assist you promptly.

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Welcome to New Heart Dimensions

No matter what you are going through in your life today... God's Word has the answer you need!

  • God's Word is the best gift you can give yourself, your family and friends, and those in your circle of influence.
  • These easy to read scripture books are small enough to carry in your purse, daytimer, briefcase or car glove box and will bring inspiration and strength to your life.
  • The scriptures are paraphrased, personalized and categorized by topic so you can pray specifically about whatever you are going through.

For daily inspiration or in a moment of crisis, these scripture books will bring you:


Peace, Healing, Wisdom, Safety /Protection and Total Life Blessing


God's Word will give you continual peace in the midst of any situation or circumstance. It His life power in it to give you courage and strength, to build your faith, to heal your body, mind and spirit and to guide your every step.


When you meditate and abide in God's Word, it will change our very thinking, what you say and the way you live your life.

Wisdom Scriptures

Total Life Blessing

Healing Scriptures

Protection and Saftey